Create Project and Configuration

It is very easy to create Dietcube application with composer command.

Create Project

To create project with project skeleton, run following command:

composer create-project dietcube/dietcube-project -s dev your-project

your-project is just a name of directory to craete. If you already decided your project name, please use that name instead.

This directory name is used for the application namespace. If you create project with your-project, Dietcube's initialize script replace the namespace of project skeleton from SampleApp to YourProject. This is camelized name of the directory. (So if you want to create your project with FooBar namespace for excample, you have to use foo-bar as a direcotry name instead).

After created the project, you can try to run the application with PHP built-in server:

$ cd foo-bar

$ DIET_ENV=development php -d variables_order=EGPCS -S 0:8080 -t webroot/

Then you can access the application with your browser using 8080 port to the host.

Created Project

Directory Structure

Let's take a look at the direcotry structure.

|-- Application.php
|-- Controller
|   `-- TopController.php
|-- Route.php
|-- Service
|   `-- SampleService.php
|-- config
|   |-- config.php
|   |-- config_development.php
|   `-- config_development.php.sample
`-- template
    `-- index.html.twig
|-- Service
|   `-- SampleServiceTest.php
`-- bootstrap.php
`-- index.php

app directory

app directory is the application main directory. It contains Application class, Route class, config directory, Controller directory, Service directory and template directory.

  • Application
    • Application class is the application context class. Application class configures DI container, and so far.
    • See Reference/Application for more information.
  • Route
  • config
    • config directory contains the configuration file. Configuration is explained below.
    • See Reference/Configuration for more information.
  • Controller
    • Controller directory has controllers of the application.
    • See Reference/Controller for more information.
  • Service
    • Service directory is the sample directory structure. To use Dietcube, Service directory is not must be there. You can create any directory under app directory if you need.
    • The good way of designing and developing, see Reference/Designing and Services.
  • template
    • Teamplte directory has template files of Twig by default.
    • See Reference/Templating for more information.

tests directory

tests directory contains tests for the applicaiton.

By default, sample test file for SampleService is in tests.

You can run tests with phpunit command:

$ phpunit
PHPUnit 5.1.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 86 ms, Memory: 3.50Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

webroot directory

webroot directory is a directory of the document root of the web server.

Here are examples for several web servers.

If you use apache:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /path/to/foo-bar/webroot
    DirectoryIndex index.php

    SetEnv DIET_ENV production

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
       RewriteEngine On
       RewriteBase /

       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
       RewriteRule index.php - [QSA,L,C]
       RewriteRule .* - [QSA,L]

       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
       RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

If you use nginx:

server {
    root /path/to/foo-bar/webroot;
    set $app_root "index.php";
    index $app_root;

    // this is for front-controller
    try_files $uri $uri/ /$app_root?$query_string;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        // several fastcgi directives ...
        fastcgi_param DIET_ENV production;

CAUTION: Do not use PHP built-in server in production.


Project skeleton has config.php and config_development.php in app/config directory.

Both of files just returns an array

  • config.php
    • config.php is always loaded by Application. This config file should include env-independent configuratoin or default configuration.
  • config_development.php
    • config_development.php should have env specific configuration. Like debug flag, log setting and so far.
    • development is just a example of environment name.
    • Actually, load file is decieded by DIET_ENV, and config_{DIET_ENV}.php will be loaded.
    • Environment specific config will be merged to default config (defined by config.php).

In fact, the element of config.php with the same key will be replaced by environmental configuration.

For example:



use Monolog\Logger;

return [
    'debug' => false,

    'logger' => [
        'path' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/tmp/app.log',
        'level' => Logger::WARNING,



use Monolog\Logger;

return [
    // debug and logger elemnt will be overwritten by this file.
    'debug' => true,

    'logger' => [
        'path' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/tmp/app_development.log',
        'level' => Logger::DEBUG,



return [
    // debug and logger elemnt will not be overwritten by this file.

    // twig file will be cached on production env.
    'twig' => [
        'cache' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/tmp/twig/',